Top Producing American Bully Studs (Best Pocket Bully Studs) 2023— Venomline

#1 Rated & Reviewed Pocket Bully Breeder | Top American Bully Studs | Champion Bloodline | American Bully Puppies for Sale | The Venomline bloodline ™️

ABKC Champion Homicide AKA “Homie”
Welcome to our monthly newsletter. In this article we’ll cover some of the highlights from the past month at Venomline Pocket Bullies. In our last update were thrilled to announced some huge news — ABKC Champion Homicide “Homie” would be joining Venomline/NMG Bullies.
Prior to that, we covered everything you need to know about Stud Service in the American Bully breed.
Ch Homicide joins a World Class Lineup of some of the best Extreme Build Pocket American Bully Studs you’ll find anywhere in the World.
Homie arrived safely and is with us in South Florida! He passed his physical and all of his health testing & exams and is a picture of health. Homicide is now Officially Open for Stud!

Around mid December we came down with Covid and it had us down and out for about a month. We just tested clear on Monday. For those that have messaged us and did not receive a response.. this is why. We have a difficult enough time keeping up with messages on all of the various social media outlets as is — you can imagine the # of messages we need to respond to after being out for a month due to Covid.
That being said, even with Covid — we did not miss a single Stud Service while sick. Special thanks to Palm Beach Canine Repro Services. Without Andrea it wouldn’t have been possible. Please be patient as we rush to catch up.. We had close to 30 litter registrations to start the week and have now completed all but 1 or 2.
If you are still needing litter registration and haven’t received yours back by tomorrow please text me during the week and I’ll make sure you’re taken care of. We appreciate your patience. As always, for business inquiries — Pup and Stud reservations text 832.452.0898 for the fastest response.
We have 2 Puppies Available for Sale and several new Upcoming Breedings that will be listed on our Website soon. Please give us a week or so to get breeding banners back in and to update our Website with Pricing & Availability. Customers with deposits in on breedings that did not take, or on litters where there were not enough males/females produced will have 1st option on newly announced breedings before we begin accepting any new deposits.
Venomline’s King Koopa Might Be The Next Superstar Stud — With heavier bone and and a bigger head than his dad at the same age — we might be looking at Venom 2.0.
Venomline’s King Koopa at 12 months
Most breeders offer a stud service. If you are new to breeding dogs, you should definitely take advantage of this.
Top Producing Stud Louis V Line’s Venom
Many that get started in the dog breeding business usually purchase a stud dog or two along with some female dogs. As Venomline discussed in American Bully Breeding 101, the better way of going about this is to start off by purchasing female dogs.
When your female reaches breeding age you can contact the kennels that offer stud service or contact the kennel you purchased your female puppy from to use their Studs.
Housing, feeding, and taking care of stud dogs is expensive and you’re not always guaranteed to have a great stud dog once they mature.
Top Stud Louis V Line’s Omega
Choosing a Stud is a big decision and one that can set up your kennel for success. Be sure to get detailed pedigree information on the dogs to ensure that you are getting a quality linebred dog (meaning the same ancestors appear more than once in the 4 generation pedigree)
Linebred and inbred Studs produce more consistent litters than scatterbred Studs. Successful breeders that have been around for a while and have quality productions — usually linebreed. All of the Studs at Venomline are linebred/inbred for consistency, are health tested, DNA-Profiled and carry every color and all tri color variations.
Bottom line — they’re bred to produce.But don’t take our word for it — always check a Stud’s Productions.
If you have not read Becoming An American Bully Breeder: Part I & Part II, we suggest first reading those before returning back to this article. We have included links to each below.
As mentioned above — linebred and inbred Studs have a higher likelihood of passing on traits to their offspring. By using a linebred or inbred Stud over a scatterbred one — the results become apparent in the quality and consistency of a litter.
It’s not difficult to figure out why — basic genetics & simple math: a dog that carries more copies of the desired genes — will have a higher likelihood of passing on them on to their offspring.
Venomline’s Savage — 2X Venom
Now this doesn’t mean that all inbred and linebred dogs make great Sires. There are plenty of disasters of linebred/inbred Studs all over the place.
A quick scroll through any of the bully groups on Facebook and you’ll find there’s no shortage of examples. Take a look at any of the exotic bully groups if you really want to see some mistakes.
ABKC Champion Homicide — 2X GrCh Chumper
It’s important to understand that inbreeding and linebreeding are tools used to set traits. But, like the benefits, there’s also downside to closely related breedings. Inbreeding can be a double edged sword that can cause a lot of issues if done irresponsibly.
These types of breedings should only be carried out by experienced breeders that have a full understanding of the risks involved.
To avoid the COI (Coefficient of Inbreeding) from getting too high, an outcross os recommended immediately following an inbreeding.
ABKC Champion Venomline’s Lil’ Ting | 2X Venom
The word inbreeding carries with it a negative connotation by those unfamiliar with dog breeding, but the best examples of nearly every recognized breed since man domesticated the dog — have been the direct result of careful selection, linebreeding and inbreeding.
Again, inbreeding is done to set traits. But be aware that this doesn’t mean you’re just doubling up on the good, You’re also doubling up on the bad — this includes negative recessive traits and/or genetic disease. Ones that you may not have been aware even existed.
Venomline’s King V (Venom son + 2X Casablanca)
Another common mistake that’s often made is assuming that just because a dog is a show dog, a Champion or just a good looking dog — that this automatically makes them a suitable Stud.
Just because a dog carries “type” or is proven in the Show ring — this includes Champion & Grand Champions — does not automatically mean that they will be great Stud dogs.
Avoid common mistakes that can be costly when starting out — by going with a reliable breeder. There are plenty of Stud owners that will be happy to take you money — but not all of them will deliver. This is especially true when importing semen Internationally.
Stud owners who aren’t experienced Shipping Internationally — aren’t always familiar with the testing requirements to import. Each country has different import requirements and testing that’s required that has to be completed (often within a specific timeframe). If the required tests aren’t completed within this set time frame — or if the breeding units aren’t prepared, packaged or labeled correctly — the shipment can end up getting held up in customs with some not even making it into the country.
It happens more than you’d expect.
So while some of the breeders may not have bad intentions — many will end up not being able to get shipments into the Customer’s country — and providing the services that they were paid for. Others are outright scams. Just be very careful when looking to import an American Bully Stud from the U.S. and choose to work with a reputable breeder.
When it comes to Stud Service, we ship Worldwide. For those interested in importing one of our Studs — the best way to reach Venomline is by text at 832.452.0898. We no longer check WhatsApp due to the sheer volume of messages becoming impossible to keep up with. We are familiar and experienced with Shipping Internationally and have shipped all over the World.
Over the next month or so we will be adding each Country’s import requirements to our site to make things much more simple for those outside the United States to reserve our Studs while getting a better understanding of their Country’s unique requirements. We will cover the entire process from start to finish as well as the cost of shipping you can expect to pay to import Venomline Studs into your particular country.
If you ever wonder how some kennels seem to always produce top quality dogs and consistent litters, while others can take a great dog from a great line and run it to shit in just a few short years, the answer is usually pretty simple. 99% of breeders (especially in the American Bully breed) don’t do any research, have no understanding of basic genetics, couldn’t name a single breeding technique and have no breeding plan. Their gameplan: breed two dogs that “look cool” together.
Most have not put in the work to hone their craft. Yet they will be surprised and upset when they don’t end up with your results.
You can pass up the competition in just a few short years by dedicating the time and energy to study up on those who have had success and by applying those techniques to your breeding plan.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist either. I’m not. Far from it. But you have a small supercomputer with unlimited information in your pocket. Quit being lazy and Google some shit. Respectfully, of course.
Louis V Line’s Venom
Originally from Houston, Texas, we are now located in sunny South Florida.
We are proud to have in-house and to have produced several ABKC Pocket American Bully Champions. Our dogs have been featured in Rolling Stone Magazine, BULLY KING Magazine, Bully Girl Magazine, in Music Videos and on television (NBC, Barcroft Animals)
Venomline is known for producing some of the thickest dogs in the world, without sacrificing conformation or health. Our dogs are known for having massive heads, dense bone, broad chests, wide shoulders, short muzzles, and being packed rock solid with muscle on short & compact frames.
We are different than most kennels in the fact that we do not use a traditional kennel set up. Our dogs sleep in beds and are a part of our family, not kept locked up in kennels all day. We pride ourselves in producing dogs that have “wow” factor along with great temperament and athleticism despite the heavy muscle/bone they carry.
ABKC Champion Homicide AKA “Homie”
Our dogs are DNA & Health Tested, pups come with health certificate, ABKC registration paperwork, shots & de-worming as well as a health guarantee covering any genetic related issues.
We ship semen (Stud Service) worldwide. View our World Class Studs. We are also experienced and familiar with the import process and regulations for shipping semen to any country.
Venomline (South Florida) is proud to announce the opening of our 2nd location- Venomline South located in North Carolina.
We may not have as many litters each year many other breeders.. but don’t get it twisted — we’ve been producing the best Extreme Build Pocket Bullies you’ll find anywhere in the World. In 2021 we had 7 litters — our most ever in a single year. We were hoping for more — but unfortunately had some breedings miss to finish the year. It happens.. it’s all part of the game.
Despite having less breedings per year, our Productions can be put up against any in the Country (including ones with double, triple, or quadruple the # of litters each year). The difference isn’t just visibly clear — they’re proving it in the Show Ring!
We’re proud to announce that for 2021 we Produced more Champions & Grand Champions from in-house breedings than any other kennel last year — despite the smaller sample size.
We finished out 2021 with 3 ABKC Grand Champions and 9 ABKC Champions produced from our in-house breedings. This doesn’t include Champions produced when one of our Studs was used. If we were to include those, that number would be even higher.
There’s a reason our dogs cost what they do and why our litters sell out within hours of being added to our Website.
Our productions are top of the line — we’ve worked extremely hard over the past several years to become one of the most consistent American Bully bloodlines in the world. We will continue to work hard through all of 2022 — to introduce as many new people as possible to this incredible breed.
Another goal for this upcoming year is giving back — by giving up more of my time to help educate and teach those that may be newer than us but are serious about learning more — through mentorship. Lastly, we will have our dogs out and in the public eye this year.
We took off from all shows in 2021 due to Covid-19 — some of our best dogs haven’t been seen by the Public yet.
We will have a much stronger presence at Shows this year… meaning a lot of people will be laying eyes on our dogs for the 1st time in person.
This will only increase the value of our Customer’s stock and demand for our dogs — thus increasing demand and the value of our Customers litters when they use one of our Studs. If you’re not currently working with a breeder that’s constantly increasing the value of your stock.. might be time to start working with one 💯
Check out ABKC Champion Venomline’s Lil’ Ting in her 1st day show training after time off below.
We aren’t new to this. We aren’t breeding dogs to make a quick buck. We don’t just breed 2 dogs together because they look cool. Our bloodline and dogs are the result of nearly a decade of hard work, research, study of genetics and relentless pursuit of one vision: our version of the perfect American Bully.
Before social media “bully groups” were a thing — I traveled the country competing in conformation events (dog shows). I wanted to learn while getting as many people as I could to see our dogs in person. The plan worked. Our brand begin to grow… and fast. Initially through word of mouth, but then from our Customers — when their friends or family would visit and see our dogs for the 1st time. Then every time we showed up to an event, BBQ, get together or show.
At some point you’re probably going to want to show your dogs. Recently there’s been video circulating of breeders publicly shaming Judges for not picking their dogs to win at a show. Not only does it make you look like a tool, it also disrespects the Judge and your competition.
Win or lose, show class and shake your opponents’s hand even if you don’t like them, feel you should have won over them or that you have the better dog.
ABKC Champion Venomline’s Lil’ Ting
Don’t get discouraged if you don’t win or even place. Learn, apply what you’ve learned and you’ll be back and better. Listen, I took several L’s before I ever won 1st in a Show. But I’d learn, improve and go back to the drawing board. Then come back.
Long before there were Youtube “subscribes” and “hearts” on Tik Tok — before deciding to join some of the newer social media sites — we’d long been producing top level dogs.
Omega spitting his best game to Ms. Swizz
We just recently started focusing more on Video content around 2 years ago — to better serve our Customers and to give them a better visual of our dogs. One of the things we’ll be focusing more on this upcoming year is adding more Video content. We plan on featuring several “how to” instructional and educational videos.
We’l be covering a variety of different topics — from Food & Diet, Show Training & Stacking, Workouts & Exercise, Breeding Info & Methods and more. Our goal is to share knowledge taught to us and the lessons learned the hard way from experience over the past 9 years.
See: Linebreeding, Inbreeding, Outcrossing & Advanced Breeding Methods
Venomline’s Dolce -2X Venom daughter
Avoid costly mistakes by going with an established breeding program that has a great reputation. There’s a big and often expensive learning curve being a newer breeder. You’ll quickly find out that very few kennels — yes, even the one that you purchased your dog from — are willing to give up information to their Customers. Most don’t want their Customers to succeed — because they’re threatened by their success.
We’re the opposite — we expect our Customers to sell their litters for higher prices when using our dogs and we expect for them to succeed. When our Customers have success — it not only benefits them. It benefits us, increases the value in our line and improves the breed.
New Video Featuring Louis V Line’s Venom & Omega, Ch Homicide, Venomline’s King V, King Koopa & Savage coming soon!
Venomline females are known for being some of the “bulliest” and most Extreme females on the planet. But what separates us from many other breeders are the females used as part of our breeding program.
It’s simple to use a top Stud, anyone can do that… but at Venomline, we know that it takes both a Top level Stud and a Top Level bitch to produce quality litters on a consistent basis.
We’ll put our females up against any lineup in the World.
It’s fairly easy to add mass and Extreme features, what’s not easy is producing it on a complete american bully. One with angulation along with a thick strong rear on a dog that may exhibit extreme traits but is still functional. If a dog can’t run and play, in our opinion.. that’s a failure.
There are not too many kennels that are currently combining the “wow factor” and extreme traits desired in the breed while also producing balanced dogs from head to rear that are fully functional and athletic for the breed and still able to excel in the show ring.
Here you’ll find Foundation Females that are linebred to produce.
The result can be seen in our productions
Please Visit our Website & Join Our Mailing list to be the first to know — about newly announced Upcoming Breedings, Available Puppies for Sale & info on our World Class Studs
For Availability please visit our Upcoming Breedings page. We update our Website every 24 hours and when we list breedings and begin accepting deposits — they will be listed and sent out in our newsletter first.
Check out some of our previous Pocket American Bully litters in the playlist below.
- Call/Text 832–452–0898
- Text is always best for fastest response.